Saturday, August 25, 2012

Quebec City - the food

Two more cities to go and then I can stop annoying you all....Quebec City was one of my favourite places on our holiday, but food wise, not so great due to my dietary restrictions. They appear to have a lot of cute bars/restaurants where they basically sell the same things, most of which I can't eat, and omlettes and tomato/mozarella salads get dull after a while...perhaps I really was in Paris afterall!

But QC did have a branch of Commensal and amazing vegetarian buffet restaurant that is in Monteal as well. Phew!  You basically go in, get a tray, get what you want, and then they charge you by weight. Its like Sizzler but actually good and you don't get sick.
Plus the best thing in QC is really just to go shopping at the markets and sit on a balcony drinking champagne and eating cheese (life is tough). There is also lots and lots of different beer for boys...including with knut on the glass :)

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