Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chicago - the food

Next stop was Chicago after Seattle food wise...but we still had 2 days on the train first. Unfortunately on our last meal, J and I discovered that if you are slack and get to your allotted dinner service late (yes it did sometimes feel like we were in the army, at least on the USA trains), then they have usually miscounted and serve you in your room privately instead! This was great, as while I have loved talking to people on the trains here, after 2 days on the train, you get a bit over explaining where Canberra is.
When we arrived in Chicago, it was pretty much too late to eat anything, so next morning we got up and had a HUGE breakfast (not that small breafasts appear to exist here) at Yolk . I don't think I have ever been to a bigger restaurant so full of people eating breakfast - with most people unable to fit their plates on the table. The servings were ridiculous. For once I was also miserable that I couldn't do my meal justice as it was fabulous and this was my first sign of fresh vegies in a while. Jay had his first Huevos Ranchos which was nice and spicy, and I had an amazing Vegie Skillet - kind of a frittata but without the eggs, and then a fried egg on top instead :).
We didn't do that well with our food choices in Chicago, but I must say there are some fancy places to drink there...Below was a hotel on the 27th floor of the Wit hotel, which was all a bit naff, until the speed dating started cocktail was called "New Money"..mmmm...

We also came across a speciality champagne bar (150 types for Cathy to try...but actually I only had one!), It was really designed for Jay and I, with a microbrewery as well in the basement.

We did, however, have one really good meal in Chicago...well Jay wasn't that impressed but my meal was awesome and it didn't make me sick as it was fully GF which always gets extra points. It was at a Mexican restaurant called Cantino Laredo. I believe its a chain of restaurants which started in Texas somewhere.

My photos are below - the ones that worked anyway. Highlights were the fresh guacamole made at our table (which even Jay liked!) and my avocado and artichoke enchiladas topped with tomatillo sauce - OK so I was probably extra excited because I am becomming a bit artichoke obsessed over here, and its so very rare for me to be able to eat a GF enchilada in Australia unless I make it myself. But my meal was so tasty.

These simple tofu rice paper rolls which I bought at some fresh food markets outside the Contemporary Art Museum were also brilliant...why people would eat at crap diners and McDs etc. here I just don't understand. The fresh produce is so amazing.

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